Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival
Nighttime, Lantern Festival.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Beach House: Build it and they will come

The Beach House: Build it and they will come
Mark, I love little frog ponds. I wanted to build one when I lived upstate New York, but there was no water feature nearby and I didn't have the muscles to dig enough of a hole.
I ended up digging raised beds for veggies instead and never saw a frog anywhere, just lots of slugs. Do frogs eat slugs?
Anyway, have you had any lady frogs and tadpoles yet? We captured frog eggs when we were in second grade in Malaysia and raised them till they could hop away. They provided a lot of entertainment to us kids. We didn't know TV then.
Please continue writing about your frog pond.

1 comment:

  1. Mizjo, that hole is enough to attract a frog, as long as it has water in it. I once placed a broken teapot in my garden, it was filled with rainwater. Sure enough, I spied a frog in it. When I turned the garden tap on,I often saw the little hoppers about.
    Yes, I remember marvelling at the little black blobs with little legs and long tails in between, swimming in a glass tank. It was part of our school subject on nature study. Great fun watching the tadpoles, but I rather dreaded the final stage of development. I started being jumpy, long before the froggies took their big leaps!
